STILL counting up the receipts, head steward and organiser of the Euroa Autumn Beef Cattle Show Teagan Kubeil looked as exhausted as she was chuffed at having run another successful show in her second year at the helm.
Ms Kubeil said she was pleased with the numbers of entries and visitors to the burgeoning event, now in its fifth year, despite the very dry conditions.
"There were lots of spectators coming through the gate which was nice," Ms Kubeil said.
"And I am absolutely happy with the 85 cattle entries, because of the dry, so you know there are some producers who are no longer showing, so it's a good field."
The event generated a lively atmosphere with food stalls, face painting, and artwork a hit with the kids.
Collaboration for the day came three weeks ago when Ms Kubeil needed it most, and she praised the team behind the event for 'jumping on board'.
"They are lovely people and offered to help in any way they could," she said.
"It was a last minute rallying of the troops."
Key to the impetus were three students who made the journey from Yanco Agricultural High School in NSW, including year 12 Dominic Edwards who played the role of MC for the day.
Another student at Yanco, Angus Burton was on the organising committee and invited Dominic down to Euroa for the weekend.
"I thought it was a great opportunity to get involved with a local show," Dominic said.
"It gives you a different perspective on showing."
Supreme Exhibit for the show was won from a field of three exhibits by a Black Angus heifer which judges Gary Turnham and Tom Isedale both praised for its structure.
"She is a very well balanced female," Mr Turnham said.
"She's very feminine with a lot of depth that she carries to her back legs."
The show's European Grand Champion was a seven-year-old Charolais cow with calf on foot.
"We know cows are the backbone of this industry and she's doing a real good job and we hope she'll just keep doing it," Mr Turnham said.
"You'd love to have a paddock full of them."