People and lifestyle
Savage River episode 6 – explosive finale answers all

AFTER six weeks of mystery, drama and suspicion, "Savage River' delivers on a fairly satisfying conclusion, as the real killer of both Hugh and Jasmine Lang is revealed.

The episode starts with a flashback to pre–murdered Hugh Lang from back in episode one, digging up Jasmine's buried time capsule which contains a diary with all the evidence as to who she was sleeping with.

Kevin is interviewed about his part in the mystery, where he reveals he was the one who moved Hugh's body to keep the meatworks out of the investigation.

Miki and Rachel team up as Miki hones in on who the mysterious 'K' is, with all traces leading to [SPOILER WARNING] Connor Kirby.

Pharmacist, son of the local cop, husband to the newly–elected mayor and serial creep and groomer.

Miki lures Connor to the meatworks while he's on his way out of town with Ivy, in an attempt to start a new life together, and when push comes to shove, Ivy and Miki cause Connor to fall to his death.

Connor said he was just acting in self–defence when he killed Hugh, but in the episode's final scene, where Miki is leaving town to escape all the drama, Rachel says Connor was probably the one who killed Jasmine, not Miki, suggesting a pattern of behaviour.

'Savage River' was a slow, slightly–bloated burn, but when the mystery got underway, it was thoroughly enjoyable.

Some storylines were unnecessary – Terry and Chandra hooking up had absolutely zero meaning and just sort of ended – but the main plot was engaging and compelling.

Katherine Langford and Virginia Gay deserve praise for their portrayals of Miki and Rachel, respectively, while Daniel Henshall is convincingly both unlikeable and believable as meatworks owner Kevin Pattison.

Surprisingly, there are no real weak links in the cast – they do their best with some oddly scripted lines and physically, perform well.

The town of Myrtleford and the Alpine region are given some love again, with Myrtleford's piazza on full display – it is a bit jarring for locals to see Miki in the piazza, and then the camera cuts to what she's supposedly looking at across the road, and it's a completely different town, but fun too.

While some pacing issues in the earlier episodes may have turned some people off, those who kept with the show were treated to a solid murder mystery with a cast full of characters with conflicting relationships and motivations.

Even though some keen viewers had a fair idea it was indeed Connor behind the killings going into the finale, the journey to get there is enjoyable.

'Savage River' is available to stream anytime on ABC Iview.

For and against:


Flashback is a good way to open the episode

Myrtleford shots again

Miki and Rachel working together, I like it

It all comes to a head

Cycle repeats itself, young girl killed someone

Miki innocent


Not a fan of the Terry–Chandra subplot

Over–the–top villain