10 March 2025
Rob Kerr - Myrtleford

How long have you lived in Myrtleford?

Fourteen years.

What do you do for a living?

I’m a mechanic - I work for the hop farm. I've been there six years.

What are your hobbies or interests?

Boats, bikes, cars, anything with a motor basically.

What do you like about the area?

Everything. We came here as visitors and we leased a site and built a caravan and annex in the park. When they were logging reform hill, when it was a pine plantation, we could see it from the park. So I took my five-year-old son for a walk, and that's how I found this property.

Where would you take visitors to showcase the area?

Normally I go up the top of the ridge line so people can see over the whole valley. It's a pretty stunning view up there. You can see over the whole town, the valley, all the way to the mountains. It's breathtaking.

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Is there anything you would change about the area?

No. It's really a no brainer. It's a beautiful place, good people, good place to work, good place to live, good place to raise a family. It's perfect.

Do you have any ambitions for the future?

I’m in my 60s, so I’m supposed to retire in the next six-seven years. My only ambition is with my race car. I've already won a few titles with the car; back-to-back ones I've won. I want to make it a hat trick this year.