4 March 2025
Learn how to protect local pollinators

THE Ovens Landcare Network’s first 'Sunday Session' this weekend will focus on protecting pollinators.

Agriculture Victoria Wodonga-based apiary officer, Karla Williams, will be guest speaker at the Sunday, December 1 event at Beechworth Memorial Hall, talking about the threats towards pollinators and what people can do in their own patch, particularly the Varroa Mite which was detected in Victoria earlier this year.

Ovens Landcare support officer, Sally Martin, said she hopes the information session can help educate people more about what to do if they spot Varroa Mite in their area and can feel empowered with this knowledge.

“I want people to walk away not feeling overwhelmed when they hear what Varroa Mite is so they can keep an eye out on their own patch,” she said.

“If it does come to our area, they know what to expect and can keep those points of contact open with Agriculture Victoria for the future as well.”

Ms Martin said it’s important to have Ms Williams speak at the information session.

Ms Williams was previously the only bee biosecurity officer in Tasmania with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania and coordinated the Tasmanian section of the National Bee Pest surveillance program.

She will also be joined by local beekeeper Neil Padbury, who will share his perspectives on the topic, and professor Sasha Mikheyev from Australian National University ‘s Bee Lab.

Mr Mikheyev will speak about the Australian Bee Observation Network (ABON) and citizen science where the local community can be come involved alongside one of his students from Canberra.

This is the first Sunday Session Ovens Landcare will be holding, thanks to the Victoria Landcare Grant, and Ms Martin said they hope to hold one every couple of months over the next year.

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The event will take place from 10am to 2pm, with morning tea and lunch provided, at the Beechworth Memorial Hall.

To book your tickets, visit https://events.humanitix.com/protecting-our-pollinators and for more information on the event, contact ovenslandcareincprojects@gmail.com.