25 February 2025
Julian Lamb - Myrtleford

How long have you lived in the area?

14 years.

What do you do for a living?

Not much right now, I’m injured, but I’m a tree man. I've been doing trees for about two years.

How did you get into that?

I saw an ad. I called them up and they put me through training.

What are your hobbies or interests?

Trees for a start. I do motorcycle riding, project cars as well. I like a lot of camping and four-wheel driving, that sort of thing, when I have a working four-wheel drive.

What do you like about the area?

Everything really, it's the opposite of Melbourne. A little bit more quiet. It's nice to see trees and not so much concrete.

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Where would you take visitors to showcase the area?

For a walk down the main street, I suppose. I've gone up to the bush before, just up to the hills near Reform Hill. I've had my old friends from Melbourne enjoy that quite a bit.

Is there anything you would change about the area?

Not so much. I know it's getting a lot busier. I wouldn't like to see it get too busy, but otherwise it's pretty much perfect as it is.

Do you have any ambitions for the future?

Not a whole lot. I already own a property and would love to stay here the rest of my life. That’d be nice.