How long have you lived in the area?
I grew up in Myrtleford, did all my schooling here. Once I finished school, I moved down to Melbourne and I spent five years down there. I moved back in 2019 to coach the Myrtleford Football Club and get a job at the P–12 school in town in my first gig as a teacher.
What do you do for a living?
I'm a teacher. I studied teaching for four years at Victoria University, finished my degree, and then got my first official role at P–12 as a PE teacher, I've been there ever since and absolutely love it.
What are your hobbies and interests?
My hobbies reside heavily around sport. I love my sport, love my football. I also really like my fishing. I like getting out on the Ovens, with our mates on the kayaks and catching fish.
What do you like about the area?
I love the people first and foremost, they're very a family–orientated, caring community. Next would be the atmosphere that is in our valley, it's such a scenic place that's got so much to offer.
Where would you take visitors to showcase the area?
I'd probably take them straight to McNamara Reserve. After that'd I'd show them the rivers, probably Reform Hill then move towards Buffalo.
Is there anything you would change about the area?
I'd love for the area to have more employment, so that we can keep more of our locals around, and probably improve affordability of housing, or access to housing.