How long have you lived in the area?
For three years since I started year 10, and I'm going to be leaving at the end of year 12 to go to Sydney.
What are your hobbies and interests?
I love maths and I want to get more into computer science. I love unsolved problems like the Collatz conjecture. It occupies my mind thinking about it.
Basically, if you've got an even number, then you divide it by two. And if it's an odd number, then you times that by three and add one. And if you keep repeating that process, eventually all numbers converge to a loop of one, four, two, one. No one's been able to prove that's the case for all numbers.
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What do you like about the area?
I love the school. The school is good because it‘s a close-knit group of students that I can talk to and the teachers know all about the students.
As well, I love the overall scenery of the place - the trees, I love swimming in the lake when it's warmer.
Where would you take visitors to showcase the area?
Probably the mosaic trail, it’s a good walk.
Is there anything you would change about the area?
A bookshop is always good, in my opinion, there's so much knowledge in books.
Do you have any ambitions for the future?
When I move up to Sydney I want to be a Sydney Harbour Bridge tour guide. So I'm going to be doing an interview in less than one week to see if I get the role.
I've got a lot of invention ideas and entrepreneurial ideas that I'm wanting to take off, like an automatic subway machine for Subway and a shower machine where you walk out of the shower and instead of grabbing a towel it sprays hot air on you.