People and lifestyle
Cathy Gunn - Tawonga South

How long have you lived in the area?

In 1990 I came up here for one year teaching at the Secondary College. I met my husband, and within that year I was engaged, married, bought a house, and was pregnant.

What do you like about living here?

Easy - the environment and the community.

Would you like to see any additions or changes?

A pop-up cinema would be good, more entertainment in general. More young families settling here.

What do you do your hobbies and interests?

I am a marriage celebrant, I am on the committees of the Upper Kiewa Valley Regional Arts, the neighbourhood centre, and landcare. I am a supervisor for school exams. I like watching Netflix, and spending time in my garden.

Where would you take visitors to showcase the area?

Up to the snowfields at Falls Creek, the many walks, Pebble Beach, the gorge, and around the pondage.