5 March 2025
Residents raise bushfire risk, toxic gas concerns of proposed BESS projects

DEDERANG residents have raised further safety concerns over two Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) proposals near their town, with fears for bushfire risk, toxic gas emissions and environmental damage.

Trina Solar has submitted a development application to the Victorian Government for its proposed 500 MW/1000 MWh Kiewa Valley BESS, planned on a 10-hectare site located approximately 1.7km south-west of the Dederang Terminal Station, where it can be integrated into the grid via the existing transmission line infrastructure.

Mint Renewables is investigating a BESS with a storage capacity of 400 MWh, such as a system that can produce 200 MW for two hours or 100 MW for four hours, also in close proximity to the Dederang Terminal Station.

Members from the Friends of the Kiewa and Alpine Valleys Inc have raised concerns for their future, if the two BESS proposals are accepted.

“Residents have grave concerns for their safety if the hundreds of shipping containers of lithium ion batteries that will make up the BESS are put in place,” member Ken Bell said.

“The dangers include bushfire risk, toxic gas emissions, significant landscape overlay, noise, environmental damage, loss of prime agricultural land and community impact; the list goes on.

“BESS can catch fire and burn for days; the Victoria Big Battery and the Bouldercombe Queensland fires are good examples.

“There are several toxic gases released during a BESS fire, the most dangerous is hydrogen fluoride.

“This gas is hydroscopic - it readily dissolves in water, forming hydrofluoric acid which is highly corrosive and causes chemical burns.”

Mr Bell said there was a huge issue with toxic smoke being contained in the bowl area between Dederang and Mount Beauty.

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He said members of the group believe the BESS proposals aren’t compatible with the farming zone, and he said it’s a view shared by the Victorian Farmers Federation.

The Friends of the Kiewa and Alpine Valleys Inc is encouraging those who wish to object to the two proposals to visit

Both Trina Solar and Mint Renewables have encouraged community members to get in contact with them over any concerns or questions.

People can contact Mint Renewables via and Trina Solar at