31 March 2025
T’is the season to go fishing

IT'S holiday time and many people have time off work and are looking for somewhere to go fishing around the North East.

Here are a few ideas and suggestions that you may find helpful if you’re not sure where to go.

Lake Buffalo:

I have been catching a lot of redfin here recently.

Most have been small.

In fact, they have all been small.

If you’re looking for a feed of fish, this isn’t a good option.

If you’re looking for somewhere to take the kids where they have a good chance of catching a fish while swimming to beat the heat, Lake Buffalo is a great option.

Lake Nillahcootie:

Lake Nillahcootie has been fishing very well for yellowbelly and Murray cod recently.

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Sunset has been the best time for me, and once again, the kids can jump in and go for a swim while wetting a line.

Lake Mulwala:

Murray cod have been biting well at Lake Mulwala this season.

Due to the high and dirty water in the rivers, Lake Mulwala has been the go-to spot for many anglers targeting Murray cod with lures.

Murray Cod Rivers:

Most of the region's Murray cod rivers such as the Ovens, Kiewa, King, Mitta Mitta and Broken rivers have started off fishing slowly this season.

The late spring and early summer deluge of rain left them high and dirty.

Thankfully they are now starting to settle down and are fishing quite well for Murray cod with bait.

A few anglers are catching cod on lures now and as the water continues to settle more water will become accessible to lure fisho’s.

Trout Rivers:

Recent rainfall has left the region's trout streams looking amazing.

Sadly, the season has been slow and despite the great healthy flow of water, you should expect the trout to be harder to find than usual.

If you are keen to go trout fishing, try the Ovens River upstream of Bright, the Kiewa River around Mt Beauty, the Buckland River and the headwaters of the King River around Pineapple Flat.