Alpine observer and myrtleford times
Companies look to progress BESS projects in Kiewa Valley

TWO companies proposing two separate Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) projects in the Kiewa Valley are continuing to progress their plans.

Trina Solar expects to submit a development application for its proposed Kiewa Valley BESS in the coming weeks.

A company spokesperson confirmed the progress with the Alpine Observer/Myrtleford Times this week, and said community engagement is "ongoing".

"We are already working on the Community Benefit Fund, which we hope to present soon," the spokesperson said.

Trina’s proposed 500 MW/1000 MWh Kiewa Valley BESS is planned on a 10-hectare site located approximately 1.7km south-west of the Dederang Terminal Station, where it can be integrated into the grid via the existing transmission line infrastructure.

The Kiewa Valley BESS is designed using CATL battery technology and SMA inverters.

Mint Renewables confirmed on Monday that it has not yet lodged a planning permit application for its proposed BESS with the Minister of Planning.

"Since our last newsletter in May, we have been continuing to work on the design and assessment of the project, to ensure we respond to the site constraints and the feedback we have and continue to receive," a spokesperson said.

"Whilst no further public information sessions have been held since early 2024, engagement with community members and government agencies has continued through this process.

"A newsletter will be distributed to our newsletter subscribers in early September, which will provide an update on the project's progression.

"We commit to ensuring we update the community as early as possible ahead of the public exhibition process for the planning application."

Mint Renewables is investigating a BESS with a storage capacity of 400 MWh, such as a system that can produce 200 MW for two hours or 100 MW for four hours, also in close proximity to the Dederang Terminal Station.

Both Trina Solar and Mint Renewables encouraged community members to get in contact with any concerns or questions.

Contact Mint Renewables via or 1800 446 468, or sign up for newsletters at

Contact Trina Solar at

Farmers rally against proposed battery projects

KIEWA Valley residents opposed to two proposed Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) projects joined a 500-strong statewide rally in Bendigo last month to voice their ongoing concerns, while Premier Jacinta Allan was visiting the city.

Dederang resident and spokesperson for the Friends of the Kiewa and Alpine Valleys, Sharon McEvoy, spoke to the rally crowd on the day.

“For the past year Dederang residents have been fighting two lithium-ion battery storage projects in the Kiewa Valley,” she said.

“A high risk bushfire area, across agricultural land, industrialising the landscape, impacting on the amenity of many surrounding properties, in a catchment, close to creeks and with zero initial consultation.  

“Across the hills in the King Valley, Meadow Creek residents are opposing a solar factory and a 1000MW battery storage on 576ha of farming land.  

“The Dederang and Meadow Creek groups combined in a joint effort.

“There are groups all over the state fighting for their rights and their existence as farming families and communities.  

“The big message is that farmers across the state are not allowing the government to bulldoze projects through.

“The government seemingly has no regard for farmers and rural communities. 

“The 500 plus people attending represent hundreds of thousands of acres across regional Victoria from North East Victoria to the Wimmera and beyond and they are not being listened to and so the only option is to protest. 

“Agriculture is an economic driver in Victoria and it is being slowly crushed.

“The scale of what is being proposed is enormous.

“Of note Mint Renewables and Trina Solar, the two proponents for the Dederang project, have not been in contact with the community since drop-in sessions in February and May respectively.

“Mint had a May newsletter indicating the planning application would be lodged in late June/early July.

“Trina also indicated a planning application was imminent in July.”