3 March 2025
Boho fire - threat reduced

A CHANGE in conditions and overnight vigilance from emergency services has seen the threat warning of the Boho bushfire reduced to 'Watch and Act' despite the fire not yet being under control.
Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMVic) issued an updated bulletin at 8am today for Baddaginnie, Boho, Boho South, and Warrenbayne.
The 'Stay Informed’ advice remains current for Balmattum, Benalla, Creek Junction, Lima, Lima East, Swanpool, and Violet Town.
"The threat is reduced, but the situation can change at any time," the statement said.
"You must monitor conditions and be ready to act."
The bushfire has burnt over 650 hectares and is travelling in a northerly direction between Upper Boho Road, James Track, and Kays Track.
A total of 52 firefighters from FFMVic have attended to the fire over the weekend, using 8 CFA tankers and another 12 owned by forest managers HVP.
Eight bulldozers and six excavators are continuing to construct containment lines, with harvesters and graders assisting.
FFMVic incident controller Scott Edwards said the primary effort was fighting the fire to keep it west of Kays Track.
“The main focus will be to directly attack the fire with aircraft (and) heavy machinery where it is safe, to protect local properties,” Mr Edwards said.
“And preventing it from entering the adjoining pine plantations.”
A total of ten aircraft were used over the weekend, including two fixed-wing large airtankers and Air Crane and Sikorsky helicopters.

What you should know:
•    The bushfire that started at Strathbogie State Forest is not yet under control. 
•    The bushfire is between Upper Boho Road, James Track and Kays Track and is travelling in a northerly direction towards Davis Road. 
•    The spread of the bushfire has slowed for now, but the situation can change at any time. You must monitor conditions and be ready to act. 
What you should do:  
•    Monitor changes to the situation. Increased wind speed, change in wind direction, smoke or poor visibility can indicate the situation is changing. 
•    Enact your fire survival plan. 
•    If you do not have a plan, decide what you will do if the situation changes. 
•    If you have time, check your neighbours to see if they are monitoring conditions. 
•    Protect yourself and your family. 
Leave if the situation changes or you feel unsafe. Remember to: 
•    Take your pets, medications, mobile phone and charger. 
•    Many people have died trying to leave at the last minute during fires. 
•    Travel to the home of family or friends that are away from the warning area 
Impacts in your area: 
•    The following roads are closed: Upper Boho Road and Desaillys Road, Upper Boho Road and Boho Church Road, Sessions Road and Hurrell Road. 
•    Smoke may be visible from the Hume Freeway and surrounding towns including Benalla, Euroa and Violet Town. 
•    Check the VicTraffic website ( or call 13 11 70 for road closures.